Fresh Air Ventilation Control (FAVC)
The FAVC intelligently manages the central fan to provide fresh air ventilation all year long while meeting the ASHRAE 62.2 standard for ventilation. The FAVC also monitors and can control exhausting appliances. No other ventilation control has these two features. The FAVC is such a game changer, it’s patented.
Take Control of Humidity and Comfort with the FAVC
People who live in southern locations like Florida or Houston enjoy warm weather all year round. But one of the tradeoffs for living in these climates is the oppressive humidity that lasts most of the summer and can even be extreme in the spring and fall. Unfortunately, in these relatively milder shoulder seasons there may be insufficient heat load to trigger traditional air conditioning systems to run for a long enough period to remove excess humidity from indoor air. In short, it’s essential to be able to control home humidity in these climates throughout the year, not just during the summer. The Fresh Air Ventilation Control (FAVC) from Field Controls is a game-changer, enabling homeowners to take control of humidity and comfort.
Humidity is Added to a Home from a Number of Sources
According to the US Department of Energy, a typical family adds three gallons of water a day to the indoor air in their home just by breathing and perspiring. Simple tasks such as cooking, doing laundry, or taking a shower introduce even more moisture into the air. When humidity falls outside the normal range, it can result in issues for both residents and the physical structure itself.
Humidity Plays a Major Role in the Health, Comfort, Protection, and Energy Efficiency of Homes
The ideal relative humidity for health and comfort is typically between 30% and 50% depending on the climate. Excessively low or high humidity can disturb the balance of a home. Heating a home tends to dry the air, absorbing moisture from people, pets, and furnishings, leading to dry eyes and skin, static electricity buildup, and increased chances of cold and flu. When excess humidity is present, basements and crawlspaces can become damp and fetid. And when moist air touches a cool surface in places such as windows, inside walls, in the attic, on furniture, or under the carpet, it condenses, causing damaging mold and mildew growth. According to the EPA, indoor air quality is among the top environmental health threats. In fact, experts estimate that 21% of current US asthma cases are potentially attributable to dampness and mold in housing, at an annual national cost of $3.5 billion.
The FAVC Can Help Control Humidity
Incorporating an indoor temperature and humidity sensor on the return air plenum of the HVAC system or on the wall in air closet applications, Field Controls’ FAVC continuously monitors both indoor and outdoor environmental conditions. The FAVC then uses the fresh air damper to regulate in-home humidity in the winter months while preventing humid conditions by reducing the ventilation during high dew point periods during the summer months.

The FAVC Improves Indoor Air Quality
The more tightly sealed energy-efficient homes built today often result in stale, unhealthy air being trapped inside. Fresh air must come from outdoors; but exhaust-only fans, like those in bathrooms, create negative air pressure and may draw in air from uncontrolled and potential unhealthy sources like the garage, attic, crawl space, or basement. The FAVC manages fresh outdoor air intake to provide whole-dwelling, balanced ventilation in compliance with the ASHRAE 62.2 fresh air ventilation standard. The FAVC interactively works with the residential HVAC system thermostat and central fan to periodically introduce controlled amounts of fresh air into the home. In addition, the FAVC can monitor up to four appliances, such as bathroom fans, ERV or HRV systems, clothes dryers, kitchen range hoods, and fireplaces, and apply credit from those sources.
The FAVC Also Protects Heat Exchangers from Corrosion
In addition to humidity and air quality control, the FAVC has built-in protection for furnace plenums during winter heating months and shoulder seasons to prevent condensation and corrosion of the heat exchanger.
“The Fresh Air Ventilation Control effectively manages the central fan to meet and deliver required ventilation. While the set-up is simple and intuitive, this new control is brimming with additional capabilities that have contractors and builders truly excited. The control monitors enthalpy conditions and can interface with multiple additional exhaust fans to adjust and deliver ventilation needs intelligently. It can even respond to the clothes dryer, kitchen exhaust fan, or fireplace to deliver make-up air in the home.” — Patrick Holleran, President of Field Controls