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Flexibility Is Built In

Patented FlexFilter replacement filters and FlexMountUV are flexible for nearly any IAQ application.

FlexFilter replaces all popular HVAC air filter brands

FlexFilter has the exact fit for Aprilaire, Honeywell, Carrier, Bryant, Trion, Ultravation, GeneralAire, Skuttle and other brand-name HVAC filter. FlexFilter replaces nearly all major brands, so there is no need track down the manufacturer’s specific air filter since we have it. Plus most FlexFilters can be configured for 2 sizes. It is 2 HVAC filters in 1. Why take time away from the job tracking down a manufacturer’s specific filter? Why carry a truck load of bulky filters that take up space and damage easily? FlexFilter allows you to carry more filters in less space! FlexFilter fits!

Why FlexFilter?

FlexFilter Fits!

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The FlexMountUV is designed for fast, flexible, easy installation into any HVAC system. It is ideal where mounting space is limited, and penetration of the equipment jacket is undesirable. When installed over the air conditioning coil, it keeps the AC coil clean so the HVAC runs energy efficient. Improve Indoor Air Quality by selecting a Potent Germ Neutralizer with high intensity Ultraviolet C (UVC) lamps and UVGI technology. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the use of UVGI as an effective technology to minimize the spread of airborne microorganisms. The American Society of Heating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) has addressed concerns of contagious virus disease transmission with recommended mitigation strategies for whole house and portable systems. Recommended strategies include dilution fresh air ventilation, filtration, and UVGI.

Why FlexMountUV?

FlexMountUV Fits!

flexmountUV, uv light air purifier, AC coil cleaner

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