Highlights of the Fan In A Can Control Kits
- SECONDARY SAFETY SWITCH: Acts as an additional layer of protection, ensuring that the appliance shuts down if any potential safety issues arise
- FIXED POST PURGE: Helps improve the efficiency of the appliance
- SECONDARY SAFETY SWITCH: Acts as an additional layer of protection, ensuring that the appliance shuts down if any potential safety issues arise
Features of the Fan in a can control kits
The Fan in a Can control kits are designed for efficient and reliable control of 30/750 millivolt controlled natural or LP gas appliances with a pressure tap port in the gas valve. This kit is also compatible with other Field Controls systems, including the SWG series Power Venters, PVG series sidewall Power Venters, DI series Draft Inducers, and CAS-4 Combustion Air System. Please note that the included junction box is not necessary when using a PVG or CAS-4.
For those looking to control multiple appliances on a system, we offer the CAC-24 and CAC-120 control kits. The CAC-24 is designed to work in conjunction with the Field Controls CAS-3, CAS-4, CAS-6, and CAS-7 Combustion Air System with a chimney vented 24 VAC controlled combustion appliance. Each Fan In A Can control kit in the CAS-3, CAS-4, CAS-6, and CAS-7 units is capable of operating only one appliance, so if you need to add additional appliances, a CAC-24 kit is required for each one. Please note that one CAS-4 unit can handle a maximum total combined firing rate input of up to 450,000 BTU/HR.
The CAC-120 kit is specifically designed for controlling multiple appliances on a system using the Field Controls CAS-3, CAS-4, CAS-6, and CAS-7 Combustion Air System with a chimney vented oil fired system. Similar to the CAC-24, the controls in the CAS-3, CAS-4, CAS-6, and CAS-7 will operate only one appliance, so a CAC-120 kit is required for each additional appliance to be added to the same CAS-3, CAS-4, CAS-6, and CAS-7 unit. Please note that one CAS-3 unit can handle a maximum total combined firing rate input of up to 3.25 GPH.
Choose Field Controls for reliable and efficient control of your combustion air systems and multiple appliances.
Fan in a Can Control kits should be installed by a licensed contractor. Find a contractor in your area.
Specifications for the fan in a can control kits
46282620 | CK-20FV |
46139963 | CAC-120 |
46139940 | CAC-24 |
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2630 Airport Road
Kinston, NC 28504