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Field Controls Adds More Fresh Air to IAQ Line

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(Kinston, NC) – Field Controls has unveiled the newest addition to the Healthy Home System™, its IAQ flagship. Four new products have been added to the Fresh Air product line including three Heat Recovery Ventilators (HRV) and one Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV). “This addition effectively rounds out our Fresh Air offering,” says Bobby Nelson, Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “The contractor can now customize each fresh air solution based on the needs and budgets of his customers.

The Field HRV/ERV line ensures fresh air changes up to eight times a day. Both the HRV, recommended for cooler climates, and the ERV, recommended for hot and humid climates, can be integrated into the ductwork of the forced air system. The Field HRV features a patented aluminum core that keeps outgoing stale air separate from incoming fresh air while tempering the incoming air, reducing heating and cooling costs. The ERV removes humidity from the air before it enters the home, reducing cooling costs.

The ventilator is integrated into the HVAC system with the Healthy Home System™ Control, which monitors the central fan and manages the fresh air calls on a regular schedule, without regard to whether there is a call for heat or cool.

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