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Air Purifier for Health

Improving Indoor Air Quality Reduces Chronic Diseases

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The Surprising Reality of Indoor Air Pollution

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the quality and contents of the air we breathe, particularly in indoor spaces where we spend time. Studies conducted by the EPA have shown that the air within our homes, offices, and other indoor spaces can be significantly more polluted than the outdoor air. The EPA found that indoor air can be two to five times more polluted than outdoor air, and in some cases, it can even be over 100 times more polluted. Overtime, as building materials and insulation have improved, inside buildings have become better sealed from outdoor air. Due to the ever-increasing tightening of the building envelop, a home’s ability to “breathe” is being significantly impacted. If not treated properly, this can lead to a range of different health problems. It is important to understand and make adjustments because better indoor air quality reduces chronic disease.

What Factors Affect Indoor Air Quality?

As we know, indoor air quality refers to the cleanliness and healthiness of the air within buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort those living or working in a building. Many of us have had the unpleasant experience of walking into a building or home and immediately feeling a sense of staleness. Unfortunately, due to a general lack of understanding of what affects indoor air quality, many people are required to live and breathe in spaces like this for extended periods of time. Factors that affect indoor air quality include:

  1. Quality of ventilation
  2. Building materials
  3. Cleaning products used
  4. Humidity issues
  5. Presence of pollutants like dust, allergens, and chemicals

All of these factors can play a significant role in indoor air quality. If poor air quality is not promptly addressed, various health problems can arise, often affecting the respiratory system. These health risks have been showcased by various organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO).

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Health Risks Associated with Poor Indoor Air Quality

These staggering statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO) underscore the critical importance of addressing household air pollution (HAP). Shockingly, household airAsthma Inhaler pollution is linked to an estimated 4.3 million premature deaths annually and accounts for 110 million disability-adjusted life years lost globally. Alarming as it may be, this is largely preventable exposure and often stems from a simple lack of awareness in how improving indoor air quality reduces chronic diseases. Despite the preventability of poor household air pollution, it has earned its place as the third leading risk factor for death worldwide, making up approximately 4.5% of the Global Burden of Disease (GBD). Even in industrialized settings, where one might assume air quality is better managed, the home remains a significant source of pollutant exposure.

Cardiovascular diseases represent a significant portion of the morbidity associated with household air pollution, but its respiratory consequences span a lifetime, from impairing lung development in early years to potentially elevating the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in adulthood. This pervasive impact on respiratory health has been observed across a wide variety of settings and demographics, spanning both low-middle income and high-income countries. Recognizing the severity of this issue, influential organizations like the WHO, United Nations, American Thoracic Society, and European Respiratory Society are actively working to develop strategies aimed at mitigating the global respiratory health effects of HAP. In the following paragraphs, we will delve into the sources of common pollutants and explore strategies that can be employed to reduce pollutant exposure for a healthier, breathable future.

Common Indoor Air Pollutants That Can Lead to Chronic Disease

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): VOCs found in paints, solvents, cleaning products, and building materials can release harmful gases into the air, leading to eye and throat irritation, headaches, and long-term health effects if subjected to too much exposure.

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Particulate Matter or Tiny Particles from sources like dust, pollen, smoke, and pet dander can also cause respiratory issues, exacerbate allergies, and contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. In particular, the importance of reducing dust is often overlooked. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) conducted studies and collected data on the contents of indoor dust. Across multiple studies the results showed that dust can contain a large variety of different toxic chemicals including:

  1. Phthalates
  2. Fragrance
  3. Flame retardants
  4. Phenols

These toxic chemicals were detected in 90% of the samples studied.

Mold and Mildew: Moisture and inadequate ventilation can promote the growth of mold and mildew, leading to respiratory problems, allergies, and immune system disorders. These types of pollutants can also affect the structural integrity of your building, weakening floors and walls as the mold/mildew digests the materials it meets.

Tobacco Smoke: Tobacco smoke contains numerous toxic chemicals, such as formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, and ammonia. Smoking tobacco indoors can increase the risk of lung cancer, respiratory infections, and other respiratory conditions, particularly in children.

While it is hard to eliminate all VOCs from the air, steps should be taken because better air quality reduces chronic disease.

Reducing Exposure

Improving indoor air quality reduces chronic diseases, so to decrease your risk, you can take a few simple steps to reduce the harmful pollutants in your indoor air. Air Purifier for Health

Cleaning: Consistent cleaning and dusting using a quality vacuum with a HEPA filter can minimize particulate matter in an indoor space. This will help eliminate the various harmful chemicals that dust contains.

Controlling Fumes: Controlling fumes in your home is a matter of better ventilation and air purification. Try to paint or use paint products with the windows open, allowing ample airflow. Get rid of paint or other harmful chemical containing products you’re not using. Use beeswax candles with lead-free wicks. Habit and lifestyle changes can play a big role in reducing these contaminants, but of course it is not always feasible. It can be extremely beneficial to invest in good ventilation equipment/systems.

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Purification: Integrating air purifiers is a key step towards actively combating pollutants. These devices, equipped with advanced filtration systems such as HEPA, activated carbon filters, and PCO technology efficiently capture and neutralize particles, including dust, allergens, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Air purifiers provide a continuous defense against indoor pollutants, ensuring a constant circulation of purified air. When selecting an air purifier, consider factors like room size and targeted pollutants. Regular maintenance is crucial for optimal performance, and some models offer smart features for real-time air quality monitoring. Investing in an air purifier complements traditional methods, offering a modern and comprehensive solution for a healthier indoor environment.

Maintaining Good IAQ Reduces Chronic Diseases

Remember, maintaining good IAQ is an ongoing process. Regular maintenance, cleaning, and addressing potential pollutant sources are crucial for sustaining a healthy indoor environment. Consulting with professionals in the field of indoor air quality can also provide valuable guidance and assistance tailored to your specific circumstances.


Prioritizing the improvement of indoor air quality emerges as a pivotal step in safeguarding our health and preventing the onset of chronic diseases. The profound impact that air pollution can have on our health calls for a comprehensive and immediate response. From exploring the sources of indoor air pollutants to advocating strategies for reducing exposure, this journey toward healthier living is multifaceted. Incorporating both traditional methods and modern solutions, such as air purifiers, signifies a holistic approach. Let us remain devoted in our commitment to ongoing maintenance and proactive measures, ensuring that better air quality reduces chronic disease so we can live healthier lives.


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Braden Askue

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