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Field Controls Expands Offerings with Ultra-Sun Acquisition

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(Corona, CA) – Ultra-Sun Technologies, a research and manufacturing facility in Corona, California, has been acquired by Field Controls, LLC, further expanding the company’s IAQ capabilities. Ultra-Sun is a leading developer of high tech IAQ products that clean and purify the air in homes, offices, clean rooms and commercial buildings.

Ultra-Sun’s flagship product is a patented process that uses UVC light to activate a titanium honeycomb that uses PCO (photocatalytic oxidation) to eliminate VOCs, odors, and smoke. Robin Scott, founder and CEO of Ultra-Sun said of the acquisition, “Field Controls has the sales team and distribution network to take our products to a new level. This is a great day for Ultra-Sun.”

The company is known for its cutting edge R & D, something Field plans to expand, according to Patrick Holleran, president of Field Controls. “Ultra-Sun is developing truly innovative IAQ solutions that will further enhance our Healthy Home System™ offerings.”

In addition to products for residential and light commercial applications, Ultra-Sun has developed custom systems for large commercial applications, including challenging environments ranging from casinos to hospitals.

Ultra-Sun’s Duo and Trio products, featuring the patented PRO-Cell™ PCO technology, are now part of Field’s Healthy Home System™. For more information on the Ultra-Sun products or the Field Healthy Home IAQ System, visit or call 252.522.3031.

Field Controls Trio-1000P, portable room air purifier, uv air purifier
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